I know this is kinda very late post.. But please forgive me..=P
Well, last Tuesday.. We had a trip to Taylors and HELP.. ^^ Went there by bus.. RM25.30 per person.. 0.0 Took off at 9.00 am.. Went to Taylors first..Reach there at about 10 like that.. The people in charge called my name "Who is Pui Wan who called just now?" SWT! They called me the team leader.. XD!!! Hm.. Personally think that Taylors is not bad.. =P Saw Janell there.. ^^
Left for HELP at 11 am.. All of us are starving like hell when we reached there.. After some walk about in the college.. Refreshments were waiting for us in a meeting room!
FOOOD!! xD Apa lagi? MAKAN LA!!! xD
Us at HELP..^^
Hm.. After all the explanations.. Off we go to have our lunch at One Utama.. ^^ Went to Dragon-Eye? *not sure if the spelling is correct.. =P* Not bad..^^ Din manage to shop because time is all packed.. FOOOD!! xD Apa lagi? MAKAN LA!!! xD
And thanks to the stupid van.. Everyone is late when reached skool..= =" Niways, thanks for driving us to colleges and also One U.. XD!
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