Bah! Today is Nature Run! Lol.. As usual.. I won't get top 5.. xD I think I'm after Yi Ru? Correct me if I'm wrong.. =P Went to school at 8.15 am.. Ate breakfast there.. 2 slices 'chee cheong fun' cost RM 1.50? *expensive* Some more I called auntie don't want so much.. = =" Nvmd~
Assemble at school hall at 8.30 am.. Went to Kampung Melaka which is just opposite our school.. Cross the road~ Teachers get ready and went to their respective checkpoints.. Omg.. So damn long! Waited at there for about 1 hour only start to run..
1st is Junior Girls
2nd is Junior Boys
3rd is Senior Middle Girls
4th is Senior Middle Boys
5th is Senior Girls
6th is Senior Boys
*Run run run* yay! Sampai finishing line liao~ Gao tim.. But damn tired.. Sat down at the field with friends and had drinks.. We got it for free.. XP When everyone's done.. Time to go back to school~
Cross the road again! Reach there.. Went to canteen... Kok Kian ate his lunch and the others had a drink including me.. After that, we went to class.. Play cards!! xD 'Chor dai di'~ lol~ Jenny played with us! XP No longer after that, Clyde and Kenji went back home..
At around 12.30 pm.. Ban Kok, Mei Lian and Alise got to go back home.. Tinggal me and Kok Kian.. Walked to the Gate A there.. Sat down and chatted.. = =" Some of the guys are still playing football! Gosh.. = =" After the running still got energy to kick the ball..LOL~ Then 1 pm mom came and went back home.. Tinggal Kok Kian.. LOL! =D
Every year the same thing.. Every year same 'lame'.. Boring! I wanna go college and get off from this school! xD xD So bad~ = =
28 June 2008
Nature Run
Posted by =+=--Wond3rlife--=+= at 11:09 PM 0 comments
23 June 2008
*Inhale,Exhale* Can hardly breathe now.. Coz of the stupid flu.. = =" Suddenly got this disease.. I just remembered today I ACCIDENTALLY touched Kenji's handkerchief! Which is full of bacteria.. SWT~!
I think that's why I got this flu.. xD *think too much*
Yesterday just started playing meetoto.. ** ONLINE SINGING! good for those who like to sing.. no downloads.. it's a website.. just play IN the website.. good huh? =) If you don't want to sing, u can just listen to people singing.. and give comments of course.. TRY IT! =)
Posted by =+=--Wond3rlife--=+= at 8:58 PM 3 comments
20 June 2008
Yay! I'm back!! At last.. The exam is over, over, over! Ahhh~ Can rest a little bit now.. But.. I'm quite worried about the results of this exam.. Sigh.. I think I did really bad especially in Add Maths!! Swt.. Today had Add Maths Paper 2.. Open the question paper.. number 1.. still ok.. number 2.. BLUR! number 3.. more BLUR! And so my BLURNESS keep going on for all the other questions.. I just can't get any way to solve those questions.. So, I gave up.. Passed up the paper and go out for a walk.. SIGH! I don't want this to happen but I just can't do! My mind is blank..Can't think of anything! LOL!
Well, just forget about exam.. Tomorrow my friends and I will be going to Mid Valley~ So, let's just worry about what are we going to do there.. xD Well, we are actually celebrating Kenji's, Leonard's, Alise's and Harry's birthday there.. =) Cool huh? 4 in 1.. LOL~ Gis came up with this idea.. Haha..
Bowling? Cinema? Pool? Karaeoke? Hm.. Not really sure whether we are going to do all these on tomorrow or not.. But I'm sure we will have fun.. Wooohoo~ =D
Well, I think I better TRY to sleep early today.. Coz have to wake up early tomorrow.. Gis will be coming to my house at around 9.00 am.. So I have to get up at around 8.00 am.. ><" Oh yeah, before that, I'm going to upload some photos that I have took.. can say last week.. Haha.. Coz exam so didn't update blog and upload photos.. So.. here are they.. in the next post k? not here.. xD
Posted by =+=--Wond3rlife--=+= at 11:23 PM 0 comments
10 June 2008
Exam.. AGAIN!
Argh~ Here comes the thing everyone hate the most.. EXAM! Ahhh.. Sooo dead this time.. Didn't really study during the holidays.. Kinda regret.. xD But no choice la.. It's holiday last 2 weeks!! Noone study during the holidays.. As if..*LOL* Ok.. Tomorrow we will be having BM 2, Physics 1 & English 1 papers.. Phew~ Luckily Physics is only Paper 1.. Still can *shoot*.. =X
Ok.. Time to revise SOMETHING.. Hm.. Maybe later at nite will upload some photos taken during last Saturday.. *MAYBE* xD Wish me luck and God PLEEEASE bless me.. =P
Posted by =+=--Wond3rlife--=+= at 8:36 PM 0 comments
07 June 2008
Kung Fu Panda!
Yay! Just watched Kung Fu Panda just now with cousins and brother.. Nice to watch and also nice to laugh..xD Don't miss it~ Must watch!!
Well.. Yesterday slept at about 4 am.. AGAIN!! Duh.. But this time is different.. I didn't stay up late at night to study! I played SDO-X!! xD Hmm..No choice.. Feeling sad and don't have mood.. T___T
Oh yeah.. Erica, Yi Ru, and Sin Yin! I viewed you guys' blog yesterday.. LOL~ Hm.. These girls are talking about LOVE.. What's LOVE? How do you know when you had fell in LOVE with someone? Haha.. As Erica said.. LOVE is UNEXPLAINABLE.. So.. if you ask me what's the meaning of LOVE.. I can't answer too.. I don't wanna think about it.. It hurts!!
Anyway.. just appreciate what you have now.. I believe that having or not having a boyfriend or girlfriend doesn't mean everything.. When your true love comes, then it's yours.. Noone can take them away from you.. Love can be very wonderful and also suffering.. Depends on how we handle our love relationships I guess..
Posted by =+=--Wond3rlife--=+= at 2:06 AM 0 comments
03 June 2008
Slept at about 4.30 am yesterday.. And woke up at about 8am this morning..Coz have to go to the market with mom and then to Pudu.. Slept for 3 and a half hours only..swt~ Niways..taken a nap for 1 hour during afternoon.. =)
Went for Mathematics tuition today.. Just when I got off from my mom's car.. A 'ah pek' was riding his motorcycle in my opposite direction.. means we are facing each other.. When he pass by me, this 'ah pek' said "HI!" Oh my god..I was just like 'What the hell..' Mr. ah pek.. How old are you already?! Still you want to simply disturb little girls?! Haiz.. Don't know how to say.. I just don't understand some guys! = ="
So, gathered with Gis and Mei Lian in front of tuition entrance.. Gis then said what happened to her just now.. A guy trying to flirt her.. Swt! Guess guys are like that.. xD
Posted by =+=--Wond3rlife--=+= at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by =+=--Wond3rlife--=+= at 12:05 AM 0 comments
01 June 2008
Yes! It's 5.40 ++ am now.. Feel sleepy but can't sleep.. Hmph.. Well.. Just now played game with BK.. it's a website.. check it out.. ** It's like online game..But.. not really..LOL! We played till 4 am..Planned to sleep but just can't! So.. I revised..XD revised Add Maths for 1 and half hours..Can you imagine? Studying ADD MATHS late at night..It's morning counted as..XD Sleepy + pening! LOL~
Exams are after the holidays.. I don't think I can finish revising the Form 4 and Form 5 subjects.. SWT~ One week has been wasted by me! One more week to study..*sigh* Let's hope GOD will help me..XD Don't dream! GOD only help those who are hardworking! I'm the lazy type, so GOD won't lend me a hand.. =( I'm actually feeling hungry now..XD Nvmd.. Just go and sleep and the hungriness will get away! =P So.. wish me luck for exams! XD
Posted by =+=--Wond3rlife--=+= at 5:36 AM 3 comments