Cool right?? xD Well, this lizard was not killed by me this time.. My mom BAKED and KILLED it.. xD My mom made "baked salted chicken" for me using the oven.. Then she asked me to turn it off when it's 45 minutes.. Off she went to fetch my brother from work..
So when it's 45 minutes already.. I opened the oven.. And this is what I see..
AHHHHH! What I did? Scream 1st la of coz~ =) Then quickly went upstairs, grabbed the camera and started to snap photos of this BAKED LIZARD.. ^^ It's really disgusting coz I have to snap a close shot.. ><" Luckily I managed to do it.. =)
26 October 2008
Baked Lizard
Posted by =+=--Wond3rlife--=+= at 11:38 PM 0 comments
I'm finally in the mood to blog! =D
Ok, I'll talk something about the surgery here.. You don't have to read it if you're not interested..^^
Last Wednesday (15 October) , went for the surgery at Gleneagles Intan Medical Centre.. 7 am! Gosh.. = =" I don't have enough sleep yet laa.. Went there, waited till 7.30 am for the doctor to come.. YES! It's time to go in the operation theatre.. Mom waited me at outside.. *The feeling is damn scary!* Went in the room, changed clothes and then lie down on the tiny bed.. The anaesthetist (the one who put me to sleep) asked me a few questions.. YES LAAA! I know he just wanna distract me! Coz he's going to poke something really pain into my hand!

Last Wednesday (22 October), went back to hospital to take off those stitches.. The first few ones were not really painful, but the last one, which is near my face.. DAMN PAIN! And it bleed again..= = So, the doctor said he have to stitch it back *OMG* He gave me injection to anesthetize my EAR only.. It was not painful, but I can see what he's doing la! So disgusting! I can hear the sounds too.. Horrible.. Really horrible! T_____T So, I have to go back to the hospital for one more time AGAIN 2 weeks later to take off the stitches.. Ahhh~ Have to suffer again..
Ok! That's all for my unforgettable surgery~ =P And to show that I'm ok... =D

Posted by =+=--Wond3rlife--=+= at 10:34 PM 0 comments
22 October 2008
I feel so disgusted now after all the surgery and stitches. Feel like vomiting and a bit dizzy. Will update about the surgery when I get well back. Bless me.. =) I'm going to school tomorrow! T_T
Posted by =+=--Wond3rlife--=+= at 8:22 PM 0 comments
09 October 2008
Lol~ It's been a long time since I last update my blog.. =P Niways, let's talk about this month..*bad*
Things happening to me
1. Got sick *flu + a bit sore throat*
2. Bad results for Trial SPM.. T____T
3. Going for a minor surgery next Wednesday.. *OMG*
Problem number 1 is just a small matter.. I have been getting better and better now.. Just that my voice some sort of changed a bit.. lol.. =)
And the results were out! = ="
BM - A
Maths - A
Add Maths - E
Biology - B
Physics - A
Chemistry - A
P. Moral - A
Sejarah - C
BAD! Wth my Add maths..= =" E!!!!! argh~ Have to put in more effort in this.. T_________T
And about the last problem.. Surgery! omg.. Well, this is just a minor surgery.. Take a look at this pict.. * my ear * xD
And I have to eat tons of medicine! Different type, different colour, different shapes, different amount!
PS : YI RU! So, mom came to school to bring more food for me during lunch time so that I won't get gastric because of the too many medicines I'm taking..
Being poke by the needle..
Being anesthetized by injection..
Feeling the pain after the surgery..
SPM is near.. I have to settle all these problems as soon as possible.. Well.. Just hope everything will be fine.. And GOD! Please bless me.. =)
Posted by =+=--Wond3rlife--=+= at 8:50 PM 1 comments