27 January 2008

Mr.Unlucky Is Always By My Side!

27 January 2008

Well, since my blog doesn't write the date of my blogs..So I'm going to write the date by my own! =D Good idea, Chui Kwan! *perasan* OK! I wanna talk about my previous tuition class on last Friday..Oh My God! This time is really really damn embarassed.. Guess what? ok conclusion = I fell of from my chair! xD
Ok.. well let me
tell explain..So, as usual..Mei Lian and me went to the tuition centre after skool~ Finally there's someone to accompany me! ^^ Coz we're late a the class was full and there's no more seats for us to seat on those long tables that we usually do.. So we went to the back there and took the single seats..
ALRIGHT! I just don't know why am I so unlucky this month.. ok continue the story..So, i moved inside to the single seats..then I sat on the 3rd seat counted from outside..and then *BOOOM* XD Obvious right? I fell off from the chair..= =" I know it's funny! But that's not my fault!! That chair's legs are already broken and just somehow..I didn't saw it......@_@
Then what can I do? Of coz quickly get up from the floor and I seated the 2nd seat next to me.. OMG! Luckily only SOME of the students realized I fell down..If it's the whole class..I will consider to change tuition centre! XD no la..just joking..No big deal! Just 'pokai' only ma..Never try before meh?! Small that time 'pokai' until dowan la..=P

Ok thats all for that unlucky and funny story of me..= =" Hm..about today..Nothing special! Oh yea! My MALTESE DOG ! T_T I am really UNLUCKY!! The dog my mom booked miscarried her baby! And that's why I can't get a new puppy..T_T GOD!!! Why are u treating me like this?!?! Did I did something wrong?! T_T Well, nevermind.. Hope this coming New Year will change my luck! Everything goes smoothly! And of coz..WIN MONEY IN GAMBLING!! Bwahaha~ XD
Thats all for today..I wanna go watch my cd.. "Black Sugar Machiatteo" I guess that's the spelling..><" It's a Taiwan movie..=D Not bad geh..It's about 6 boy students and 10 girl students..Try to watch it! Have a nice day~ BYE! =D


Giselle said...

Hahaha! I really want to laugh like hell already. You're damn funny! LOL!! You should tell me earlier =.= you purposely want me to come and read your blog. Sigh! Want me to wait and guess. So bad la you.

=+=--Wond3rlife--=+= said...

LOLX! like that got 'chi kik sing' ma..=P OMG! I just don't know why so damn unlucky la me..GOD PLEASE BLESS ME..!!